Friday, February 13, 2009

Vivid? I Would Say Crazy.

So, thank you Sarah for reminding me of another weird thing that is happening to me. My dreams have gone from infrequent and dull to beyond vivid and mostly crazy. I will highlight a few of the really good ones for you.

First, my best friend got kidnapped. Don't ask me why no one else was up to the task of rescuing him, but the job fell to me. And in order to get him back, the kidnapper didn't want money or any normal ransom, because that would be too easy. No, he wanted me to come find him. Well, turns out I felt like I was in a Nancy Drew novel combined with a math class. I had to solve a bunch of riddles, a few logic problems and follow a Fabbonici number sequence to find the kidnapper's hideout. And when I finally got there, giant spiders attacked, a pack of wild dogs tried to eat me and Danny didn't want to be rescued.

Another good one, I led a group of tourists to an island outside of Alaska to stay on a boat. Which happened to turn into a floating resort hotel as soon as we got there. And of course my friend Ang was there. She almost died from a concussion and they had to airlift her to a ship owned by the Navy to have a doctor save her life. Once again, very strange.

But possibly my favorite was the one where I joined a serial killer clan. Yes, I know this is contradictory to human behavior theory. Most serial killers hunt alone. But we were a group. We had decided to kill this woman because she was selling steroids to kids. Seemed like a good idea at the time. But the night we decided to plot our attack, she lost us at the giant carousel. And then we put the job off for a few days because the hotel we were staying at had a really great spa and we all needed haircuts and our teeth whitened.

Don't ask me. I don't come up with this crap. Somehow my subconscious is putting all of this together at night. What's really weird is I have at least one or two of these dreams EVERY night. I didn't know I had so much randomness going on inside my brain.

And yes, I know this is another of those "normal" things during pregnancy. This one luckily is more entertaining than annoying.

PS: Happy Friday the 13th! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Anyone Else Want to Shoot Me?

So there are some wonderful things about being pregnant. And I'm sure if you give me a few minutes I could tell you what they are :)

No, really though. What I don't necessarily enjoy about being pregnant is the fact that I have turned into a total trainwreck emotionally. Seriously. Sometimes I scare myself. And that's pretty bad. Songs on the radio and commercials can cause hysterical tears. Having a piece of trash fall on the floor instead of into the garbage can can cause me to freak out. I can go from absolutely normal to B**** Beth in a heartbeat. And the absolute worst part about it is: I can't control any of it. And the tears are by far the worst. It's like all of a sudden (yes, ALL of it) my world is falling apart. And 7 minutes later I am fine. And I really wish all of you who are pregnant, or have been in the past would quit telling me this is normal. Rationally, I know that. Hormonally, it makes me want to scream. Lots of things are normal when you're pregnant. But some of them drive me crazy regardless.

On a lighter note however, we have our 20 week (well, 19 and a half) sonogram coming up in March. Totally excited about that. And no, we haven't changed our minds about finding out boy or girl. And the more you try to talk us into it, the more we really don't want to know.

And on a completely different subject, (yes, I also think I've developed ADD) I'm anxiously awaiting being able to feel baby move around. After watching the last sonogram, I'm surprised I haven't felt anything yet. Little one looks like a gymnast in there. They keep telling me any time in the next two weeks. And while everyone and their brother has decided to describe what I should be waiting for, I'm still not sure I will recognize it the first time I feel it. Yes, I am aware that everyone else thinks you can't miss it, but I'm not yet convinced. For all I know, I felt it yesterday and have no clue.

But I finally feel like I am as excited about this baby as everyone else is. At first I was just overwhelmed with everything that went along with being pregnant. Now that I am finally getting into the swing of this, I'm excited to plan out a nursery and buy furniture and paint rooms (or convince family members to do it for me.)

So yes, I know this was random. But I thought I would give you all a glimpse inside everything that has been happening in the last couple of weeks. And after all of these crazy emotional swings, I can definitely say, "I'm looking forward to the day when I will be able to have a great big margarita."