Saturday, December 27, 2008

Jacob's Going to Be a Brother

So, since we were semi-creative telling our parents that we were going to have a baby, we thought that we should extend the same amount of creativity to telling the rest of the family. So we came up with the idea of telling Jake, thereby telling the rest of the family. And we decided to do this all on Christmas Day. It didn't take long to make a t-shirt for Jake. Thing was, I don't think he got it very quickly. In fact, Aunt Sarah had to explain the shirt to him. Personally, I didn't think it could get a whole lot more obvious. Especially for a 10 year old. But as usual, when it comes to 10 year old boys, I was wrong. On the other hand, the rest of the family caught on in spectacular fashion. At least someone got it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First Sonogram Pictures

Wow, that was a little anti-climatic. I'm really not sure what I was expecting, but that wasn't it. BG/peanut (pick your favorite) doesn't really look like a baby yet. And nothing much really happened. Rub some gel on your stomach, look at a black and white screen, see you next month. Okay. Not saying that it wasn't somehow exciting in its own way, just not as much of a "whoa" moment as I was expecting.

And the first appointment was a little weird too. I met with a nurse who basically laid out the do this and don't do this rules. She gave me a bunch of paperwork, and sent me on my merry way. Needless to say, the whole thing was a little overwhelming. Eat this, don't eat this, don't do this. They really need to just print out a checklist or something. Hopefully I will get the hang of this soon.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Figured She'd Scream

Mom cried a little, but she didn't scream.

I went out to dinner with mom, Aunt Sandy and Uncle Bill to announce the news of the latest addition to the family. I waited patiently all through dinner (which was excellent by the way.) Then, just as everyone decided that we would have dessert elsewhere, I
gave mom the picture frame I made for her. It was pretty cute if I
say so myself. It had
cute little sayings like "welcome baby" and
"congratulations Grandma" on it. I think she was stunned. It was a good way to end dinner. Then of course, we had to go out for dessert. So mom told Aunt Peggy when we were having dessert, and she proceeded to stand up and announce it to the entire restaurant. Needless to say, I think my family is excited. Ok, maybe that is a little bit of an understatement.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nervous, No Not Me...

Okay. That's a teensy bit of a lie. A part of me is worried. I know that the nurse told me that is can be perfectly normal to not have morning sickness, or cravings, or emotional swings. But it still just feels a little bit wrong somehow. As long as everything is normal, I am grateful. But I guess I am just a tad bit nervous. Hopefully I will feel better after next Tuesday. That is the first ultrasound. Maybe if I can just hear that tiny little heartbeat, I will feel a thousand times better.

On another note, I fly home tonight. I swear by the time July rolls around, this baby will be a world class traveler. This will be our second out of state trip in 5 days. This will also be first time on an airplane for baby. Not that the baby cares. But it's definitely a memory for me.

I'll get to Philly about 10pm. And I'm not planning on telling my mom until Friday. Geesh, what a tough 12 hours. What was I thinking when I decided that? Oh yeah, that I had big plans to tell her. I'm just excited to be able to tell her in person. This is definitely not an announcement that carries the same excitement over the phone.

A part of me is convinced that everything is absolutely fine with our tiny little baby. But part of me is so looking forward to the reassurance that I was right. Am I a complete mass of contradictions or what?

PS: Rod is convinced that the baby will be a blonde. He thinks that maybe is why I'm exhibiting more "blonde symptoms" than normal. Only time will tell...