Sunday, March 15, 2009

What A Weekend

Being sick is never fun. But being sick while you are pregnant is a gigantic pain in the butt. I felt crummy on Thursday, but by late Thursday night I was miserable. By Friday morning, I felt like death warmed over. Even now, Sunday night, I still feel like crap.

I understand why there are so few drugs you can take while you're pregnant, I do. But when all you want to do is take a big dose of Nyquil and sleep it off, and then you remember that you can't take Nyquil...let's just say I had a few choice words fly out of my mouth. The doctor put me on some antibiotics. Great, now if they would just start working. And he put me on some "safe" decongestant. "Safe" is obviously a euphimism for "doesn't work but at least we look like we are giving you something."

The worst part is, I've hardly gotten 12 hours of sleep in the last 3 nights. If I could just get a little bit of rest, maybe I wouldn't feel so miserable. But alas, I have been doomed to 2 hour chunks of rest before I wake up unable to breathe. Here's hoping tonight will be a little bit better.

1 comment:

Joy, Nate, Griffin, Maxwell, and Nolan said...

I hope you are feeling better! I was very sick for 3 weeks and was the worst!!! Being sick is bad...being sick AND pregnant is HORRIBLE! Take care, Beth!